Pharmacy Today is the leading, and only audited, pharmacy publication in New Zealand.
Recent independent research* shows that Pharmacy Today has virtually saturation market coverage, with 94% of pharmacists and pharmacy staff reading the publication each month.
* Nov 1999 Readership Research by IMS NZ Ltd.
How big? A3, four-colour
How often? Monthly
Who reads it? Community and hospital pharmacists and pharmacy staff, plus pharmacy students, IPA pharmacists, government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry.
How many? Most pharmacies receive multiple copies. Total print run approx 4000.
A mix of news, business management, retailing advice and drug education for both pharmacists and pharmacy assistants.
Specialised sections:
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice - drug updates and other continuing education for pharmacists. Pharmacists who answer the continuing education questions qualify for College of Pharmacists continuing education credits.
- Verve - news, features and drug information for pharmacy assistants
- Regular features
- Company profiles. A two-page advertorial feature each month, written by Pharmacy Today journalists and supported by two full pages of advertising. A great opportunity to tell pharmacists about the direction your business is heading in partnership with pharmacy, and the people in it. Run-Ons on heavier stock available
Pharmacy Healthcare Handbook
(formerly OTC Medicines: Reference Manual)
An information and selling guide for pharmacy assistants. (Display advertising available in this annual publication).
Content covers background information, including treatment options, advice for customers, warning signs plus step-by-step guide to know when to refer a sale to the pharmacist.
This is now being used as a text by education providers.
Distribution. One copy distributed free to every pharmacy. Additional copies $29.95 available on subscription.
Click here to subscribe
The Beauty Manual
Published in six parts, The Beauty Manual is a comprehensive guide to skin care, hair care, hand and nail care, depilatories, suncare and oral care.
Presented in a user-friendly format for pharmacy assistants, each topic contains handy hints, selling tips and step-by-step guides to help staff make sales with confidence and authority.
Every retail pharmacy received a Beauty Manual series, free with Pharmacy Today. Additional copies, $59.90 (including storage satchel) available on subscription.
Click here to subscribe